This is a list of current screenings and services offered. Please call or email for current prices.
Blood Pressure
35 - 40 people can be tested per hour per technician.
Body Composition
(Body Fat)
18 - 20 people can be tested per hour. This computerized version uses the bioelectrical impedance method.
All cholesterol tests are “non-fasting”, finger-stick tests, with results in 2 minutes.
Full Lipid Panel
Cholesterol/HDL/Ratio/LDL/Triglycerides/Glucose/Blood Pressure. The subject’s results are compared to the standards of the Framingham Heart Study (a community study that began in 1948 and has provided much of the information we have on the effects of cholesterol in developing heart disease), predicting the likelihood of developing coronary artery disease within 10 years. Minimum 40 guaranteed.
Osteoporosis/Bone Mineral Density
18-20 people can be tested per hour. This test is an ultrasound of the heel.
Lung Function
18-20 people can be tested per hour. This test employs a computerized spirometer.
Skin Damage
13-15 people can be tested per hour. This test employs an analyzer called the DermaView to get an up-close, black light look at the face looking for sun damage, oily spots, suspicious bumps and moles, etc.
Hourly estimates are based on one technician / machine. Larger fairs may require additional technicians / machines.
Additional HealthWise Offerings:
We offer chair and table massage.
Caricature Artists
These artists produce 5 minute caricatures (sketches) of the subjects (employees or family members), and they are extremely popular at our events.
Face Painters
We are fortunate to have one of the world’s foremost face painters working with us.
Disc Jockeys
We have several top-notch disc jockeys available, including one who does a “wicked” Rod Stewart impersonation. We also have karaoke available. A disc jockey is a perfect complement to our “Wellness Rocks” theme.
website design and maintenance by Brainstorm Graphics
408 839-6122